单位:1. 复旦大学附属中山医院梅陇院区(上海市老年医学中心);2. 复旦大学附属中山医院重症医学科
困难撤机(difficult weaning)是指对进行机械通气的患者评估能否撤机时,需要进行3次自主呼吸试验(spontaneous breathing trial,SBT),或从第一次SBT起需要长达7 d才能成功撤机。临床中有20%~30%的机械通气患者难以脱离有创机械通气,困难撤机会使患者机械通气的时间明显延长,长期机械通气与患者发生呼吸机相关性肺炎和ICU患者住院死亡率相关。因此,及早对机械通气患者进行困难撤机的筛查与预测,早期识别可能导致困难撤机的危险因素并及时纠正,能够明显改善患者的预后。
Airway and lung dysfunction:气道和肺功能障碍 Brain dysfunction:大脑和精神状态 Cardiac dysfunction:心脏功能障碍 Diaphragm/respiratory muscle function:膈肌/呼吸肌功能 Endocrine and metabolic dysfunction:内分泌及代谢功能障碍 参考文献 [1] Boles J M, Bion J, Connors A, et al. Weaning from mechanical ventilation[J]. Eur Respir J, 2007, 29(5):1033-1056. [2] Ambrosino N, Gabbrielli L. The difficult-to-wean patient[J]. Expert Rev Respir Med, 2010, 4(5):685-692. [3] Heunks L M, van der Hoeven J G. Clinical review: The ABC of weaning failure-a structured approach[J]. Crit Care, 2010, 14(6):245. [4] Vassilakopoulos T, Zakynthinos S, Roussos C. The tension-time index and the frequency/tidal volume ratio are the major pathophysiologic determinants of weaning failure and success[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1998, 158:378-385. [5] Salam A, Tilluckdharry L, Moateng-Adjepong Y, et al. Neurologic status, cough, secretions and extubation outcomes[J]. Intensive Care Med, 2004, 30:1334-1339. [6] Routsi C, Stanopoulos I, Kokkoris S, et al. Antonios Sideris and Spyros Zakynthinos. Weaning failure of cardiovascular origin: how to suspect, detect and treat—a review of the literature[J]. Ann Intensive Care, 2019, 9(1):6. [7] Jubran A, Mathru M, Dries D, et al. Continuous recordings of mixed venous oxygen saturation during weaning from mechanical ventilation and the ramifications thereof[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1998, 158:1763-1769. [8] Dres M, Teboul J L, Anguel N, et al. Passive leg raising performed before a spontaneous breathing trial predicts weaning-induced cardiac dysfunction[J]. Intensive Care Med, 2015, 41:487-494. [9] Levine S, Nguyen T, Taylor N, et al. Rapid disuse atrophy of diaphragm fi bers in mechanically ventilated humans[J]. N Engl J Med, 2008, 358:1327-1335. [10] Huang C J, Lin H C. Association between adrenal insuffi ciency and ventilator weaning[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2006, 173:276-280. [11] Datta D, Scalise P. Hypothyroidism and failure to wean in patients receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation at a regional weaning center[J]. Chest, 2004, 126:1307-1312. [12] Mechanick J I, Brett E M. Nutrition and the chronically critically ill patient[J]. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 2005, 8:33-39. 作者简介 郭永生 复旦大学附属中山医院梅陇院区(上海市老年医学中心)呼吸治疗师 上海呼吸治疗联盟成员 毕业于四川大学华西临床医学院呼吸治疗专业 刘凯 复旦大学附属中山医院重症医学科主管呼吸治疗师 中国康复医学会重症康复专委会重症生命支持学组委员 中国医药教育协会重症康复专业委员会委员 中国医药教育协会超声委员会重症超声学组委员 呼吸治疗师国家职业技能标准开发专家委员会委员 上海市中西医结合学会呼吸技术诊疗专委会青年委员 中华医学会重症医学分会ECMO/纤支镜/超声师资班培训讲师 中国重症超声研究组(CCUSG)培训讲师 以第一/共一作者发表SCI 10篇、中文核心1篇、院内课题2项 参编专家共识3部、行业规范和标准3部、专业著作11部 已获实用专利11项、外观专利1项,正在申请专利8项 声明: