无创正压通气(non-invasive ventilation,NIV)在有创机械通气(invasive mechanical ventilation,IMV)撤离后应用的时机可分为:①早期撤离IMV,直接序贯NIV(促进治疗);②常规撤离IMV后,预防性转为NIV(巩固治疗);③IMV成功撤机后患者出现呼吸恶化,从而转为NIV(补救治疗)。在IMV患者中,约有20%存在困难撤机,针对此类患者,NIV可以辅助撤机,进而缩短IMV时间,有利于降低呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的发生率,减少镇静药物使用量,提升患者舒适度,缩短总住院时间。
一、NIV为什么可以辅助撤机 二、NIV辅助Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者撤机 三、NIV辅助Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭患者撤机 四、NIV辅助术后患者撤机
五、NIV辅助气切患者撤机 六、小结 参考文献 [1] Nava S, Ambrosino N, Clini E, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the weaning of patients with respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A randomized, controlled trial[J]. Ann Intern Med, 1998, 128:721-728. [2] Girault C, Daudenthun I, Chevron V, et al. Noninvasive ventilation as a systematic extubation and weaning technique in acute-on-chronic respiratory failure: a prospective, randomized controlled study[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1999, 160:86-92. [3] Trevisan C E, Vieira S R. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation may be useful in treating patients who fail weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation: a randomized clinical trial[J]. Crit Care, 2008, 12:R51 [4] Ferrer M, Esquinas A, Arancibia F, et al. Noninvasive ventilation during persistent weaning failure: a randomized controlled trial[J]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2003, 168:70-76. [5] Burns K E, Adhikari N K, Meade M O. A meta-analysis of noninvasive weaning to facilitate liberation from mechanical ventilation[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2006, 53:305-315. [6] Burns K E, Adhikari N K, Keenan S P, et al. Use of non-invasive ventilation to wean critically ill adults off invasive ventilation: meta-analysis and systematic review[J]. BMJ, 2009, 338:b1574. [7] Vaschetto R, Turucz E, Dellapiazza F, et al. Noninvasive ventilation after early extubation in patients recovering from hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: a single-centre feasibility study[J]. Intensive Care Med, 2012, 38:1599-1606. [8] Vaschetto R, Longhini F, Persona P, et al. Early extubation followed by immediate noninvasive ventilation vs. standard extubation in hypoxemic patients: a randomized clinical trial[J]. Intensive Care Med, 2019, 45:62-71. [9] Vaschetto R, Pecere A, Perkins G D, et al. Effects of early extubation followed by noninvasive ventilation versus standard extubation on the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation in hypoxemic non-hypercapnic patients: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials[J]. Crit Care, 2021, 25:189. [10] Perkins G D, Mistry D, Gates S, et al. Effect of Protocolized Weaning With Early Extubation to Noninvasive Ventilation vs Invasive Weaning on Time to Liberation From Mechanical Ventilation Among Patients With Respiratory Failure: The Breathe Randomized Clinical Trial[J]. JAMA, 2018, 320(18):1881-1888. [11] Liu K, Scott J B, Jing G, et al. Management of Postoperative Hypoxemia[J]. Respir Care, 2021, 66(7):1136-1149. [12] Guia M, Ciobanu L D, Sreedharan J K, et al. The role of non-invasive ventilation in weaning and decannulating critically ill patients with tracheostomy: A narrative review of the literature[J]. Pulmonology, 2021, 27(1):43-51. 作者简介 王禹娴 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸治疗师 毕业于四川大学华西临床医学院呼吸治疗专业 上海呼吸治疗师联盟成员 以第一/共一作者在AJRCCM、Critical Care 等期刊发表SCI文章5篇,中文核心1篇 获实用新型专利5项,正在申请2项 获中山临床新技术认证1项 刘凯 复旦大学附属中山医院重症医学科主管呼吸治疗师 中国康复医学会呼吸康复委员会呼吸治疗学组委员 中国康复医学会重症康复专委会重症生命支持学组委员 中国医药教育协会重症康复专业委员会委员 中国医药教育协会重症超声分会全国委员 呼吸治疗师国家职业技能标准开发专家委员会委员 上海市中西医结合学会呼吸技术诊疗专委会青年委员 中华医学会重症医学分会ECMO/纤支镜/超声师资班培训讲师 中国重症超声研究组(CCUSG)培训讲师 第一/共一SCI 10篇、中文核心1篇、院内课题2项 参编专家共识4项、行业规范和标准3项、专业著作11部 已获实用专利11项、外观专利1项,正申请专利8项